Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ministry/Career Update

Hey everybody, got some news to update you all with. Sherry and I have been spending ample time in prayer and we want to let you know the result.  As you know I am in the EMT/Fire Academy (which as I type this, the EMT portion is coming to a close as my finals are today and tomorrow.  Fire will begin the following week). I have known, as I have always tried to be transparent about, that my time as the Youth Pastor at Radius would come to an official close at some point as I pursue a career in firefighting.  That time has come.  As of now I am passing my role of Youth Pastor on to Sherry Rodgers. One other thing to keep in mind, again I have said all along, is that I am not leaving the youth ministry.  I still intend to be present and involved on Wednesday nights as much as my schedule will allow.  

During this time of transition Sherry and I have come to a mutual decision to swap our roles within the church.  I will be taking on the role of worship leader on Sunday mornings as she takes leadership of the youth group.  This is a prayer well covered territory as we are both excited to head more in the direction we feel called to. 

Looking forward to this adventure with you all.  See you soon. 

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