Wednesday, February 12, 2014

On Pursuing a New Career

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”  All of us had an answer to that question when we were young.  For many of us it was something like astronaut, teacher, or professional baseball player.  As we grew up our ideas changed.   We matured and figured out what we were gifted to do and what we enjoyed.  It is this process of growth that I have been going through over many years.  A decision that I have wrestled with for these years now, I have decided to act on.

I will be leaving employment at Port Orange Christian Church to pursue a career as a firefighter. 

Three things I want to make clear: 
  1. This is nothing to do with a shift in my faith.  My faith in Christ is as strong, if not stronger, than ever.
  2. This is not a reactionary decision in direct response to the recent situation at POCC.  This is a decision that I have been wrestling with for years.  I believe that God has made it clear to me that now is the time. 
  3. I will remain on staff at POCC as long as my class schedule allows, which will be at least through August if not until the end of the year.
There are things about vocational ministry/youth ministry that I dearly love.  I love the teens, their families, and the people I work with.  Nothing will ever change that.  The more time I have invested into this kind of vocation, the more I realize that this is not the career I see myself doing for the rest of my life.  Now, I will be doing ministry for the rest of my life, just not necessarily as my paid career.  It is my desire to help others in need, to be a part of rescue, just in a different capacity. 

I move forward with a heavy heart but with a clear head.  It hurts to have to, in some sense, leave what I love and have worked hard for.  On the other hand, I have an overwhelming sense of peace in this decision like haven’t in all the years of it floating through my prayers and thoughts.  

I am excited as I look at these crossroads.  My family and I are taking a step of faith in a way we haven’t before.  We stand here trusting God to walk us through, as I am certain he will continue to do.  

Thank you all for the years of support and encouragement.  I have loved and will continue to love you all.  

"So whether you drink or eat or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
 -1 Corinthians 10:31


Unknown said...

That is a very brave decision! No heavy heart, those of us who love you rejoice in your decision that is made from a man of God and directed by our most High God. You are loved!

Unknown said...

Hey buddy - I am proud of you. My grandfather said - if you can see yourself doing anything else - then you should do it. But as you said - you dont stop doing ministry - ever. So I commend you - and will pray for this new adventure! Larry