Friday, January 1, 2016

House Church

It is New Year's Day today, a fitting time as any to talk about some newness in my life...

The past two years have been wildly life changing for me and my family. There have been seasons of pain and joy unlike I have previously experienced. I am presently sitting at a computer in New Smyrna Beach Fire Station 52 typing this now, a place that I have worked very hard and very long to be. The feeling of seeing the fruition of your labor and set goals is truly amazing. 

Now, I want to share with all who care to know another big change for my family that we have been praying and thinking on for some time. I'll give you the headline and then some further detail. 

Starting in February Rebecca and I will be starting a house church in our own home as our primary church gathering time. 

A few questions have plagued us over many years and as part of this long transition in our lives the questions have been more pressing and demanding real answers. I believe that the Spirit has been pushing, prodding us in this direction, this leap into unknown territory. Finally now, we are answering. 

Question 1: What if a local church didn't require any funding to operate? What would that look like?

What if your church had no mortgage/rent, electric bill, staff salary, A/V equipment? How could the offering that came in be spent differently? What could you be freed up to do? Every preacher has said something like this: "God doesn't need a building, sound system, A/C, etc. in order to advance the Gospel." We all say that, but none of us really take it that seriously. So I've been asking myself, why don't I take that seriously? We read all about Paul's travels and Jesus' teaching with no extraordinary facility or fanfare other than their God-given gifts, which is often a far cry from how we do church now. We are going to take a simpler approach to church. 

Question 2: If you were to hit the reset button and start church over from scratch, what would that look like?

I will be the first to say that I have been as guilty as anyone else in over complicating church. In my own personal self reflection I've felt convicted to make a change. In most churches in America we have built a lot of systems that require a lot of hands on deck. Think of how many people it takes to "pull off" a Sunday morning at your church. Children's ministry, youth, band, production, greeters, set up/tear down, communion prep, custodial, financial. A lot of people are doing a lot of jobs, and all for the sake of the Gospel. Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely. I will never look at that system and say that it is foolish or wasteful. I just wonder what it would look like to free those hands from the production of a Sunday morning.

To be clear I do not look down at the modern church with a wagging finger casting judgment on it. I want to try something different, something simpler in form to reach those in the world I have been placed. 

It is not my intention now to explain the ins and outs of what a Sunday morning will look like at my house but I do want all curious parties to know a few things.

  • We, in no way, want anyone to leave the church they are currently a part of to come and be a part of this house church. This is not a haven for those who are dissatisfied in their church to leave it for potentially greener pastures. This is a place for those who are not involved in a local church to be in community, experience grace, and follow the commands of Christ. 
  • This is something of an experiment. Smarter people than me have said you "marry the mission, date the model". If I were to view this new approach as the sole, sovereign, and only God ordained way to do church then I would be hypocritical. No one can say that there is only one way to approach the gathering of the saints. The goal is to go into all the world, to teach and obey as we have been commanded. That can happen at my house, it can happen at your church. 
  • I've always thought that numbers are a byproduct, not the primary product. If this grows in number, that is great, if it doesn't I won't necessarily be bothered by that. Jesus spoke in parables "so that" only some would understand, he knew what he said would not always be popular and would not always produce lasting disciples (Matthew 13). This is something I am still growing to understand, it is hard. So, I have no real intention of promotion/marketing in this venture. You will not see a website, print material, or advertising. 
  • Our intention is to take Acts 2:42 seriously. A Sunday morning will have time to devote ourselves to opening Scripture and studying together, time for prayer, sharing a meal together, and serious fun hanging out in fellowship.

Let it be said that I do not have all the answers, gosh I don't have all the answers. We are jumping out in faith, answering a conviction.  To be frank, I am nervous about this. It is a big move for us. I really don't know where this is going to go, I guess that is what faith is. At the end of the day, a Christ follower has to follow the leading of Christ. I believe we are answering that call. I ask that you be patient with me as I figure this thing out, that you give me prayer for guidance.

I'd be happy to talk to anyone who is interested in talking. Thank you to everyone who has been instrumental in my spiritual formation and journey that has led me to this place.