Thursday, January 19, 2012

You just have to be a part of it...

So this is where I am at the moment...

I am currently in a good season in my life concerning connection with God. We all have good seasons and bad seasons, right now I feel more connected to God than in recent times. I have been in persistent prayer in regards to the direction of the youth ministry here at POCC. I have been asking for wisdom, guidance, and peace about where we should be going as a youth ministry, and I believe God has given me this.

The bottom line is that this youth group needs to be a place that teens just have to be a part of. Christ's love needs to be so present, so real, and so genuine that anyone on the outside would look at the group, or any individual that is a part of it, and say to themselves, "I just have to be a part of what is going on there."

This is no less true for everyone who claims the name of Christ. We all need to live lives that outwardly show that the love of Christ is present inside us. And not that our lives have to be perfect, without fault, and with smiling faces 100% of the time. But that our broken and imperfect lives reflect the grace, truth, and love that is embodied in Jesus.

So know that you bear the reflection of Christ in your lives and that because of your imperfect life lived in faith, others just have to be a part of it.