Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Am Not A Racist

Our country has to come a weird place in our eternal struggle with racism. From all that I have been taught and been able to ascertain about our nation's history with racism, I have grasped this: First experience in the "new country" with native Americans was met with horrible violently racist actions. We dealt with slavery, north vs. south stuff, abolition... Time passes and we arrive on MLK, Malcom X, sit in protesst, black people being sprayed with fire hoses, I have a dream, separate drinking fountains...

Eventually we get to the place where the fight in White vs. Black isn't to the extreme that it was, racial harmony seems much closer than it ever has been before.

Now we are taught racial equality and "color blindedness" so much (and rightly so) that we have to come an interesting place, and thus the reason for this blog.

The other day I was sitting at the lunch table of Creekside Middle School and noticed that it was quite the racially diverse table. Being proud of the fact that 8th grade students showed such lack of prejudice I commented on the situation. I say, "Wow, this is a very ethnically diverse table." To which I am overwhelmingly responded by how rude of a statement that was. I was shocked, trying to explain myself that this was a good thing. They heard nothing of it, only that I was out of line for commenting on that. And asking what ethnicity a student was was offensive to them.

We have come to this weird place in our racial struggle that to acknowledge race is a faux pas. Race does not exist, this is not good. An Indian, Philippino, Vietnamese, and a bunch of white kids were sitting together for lunch and that cannot be acknowledged. We made race out to be such a problem in our history and tried so desperately to correct it. We made so many horrible and painful jokes at the expense of "minorities" that kids now have been unable to detach the minority from the pain of the joke.

We have told so many Obama-watermelon-fried chicken-Muslim-raccoon jokes that to mention that someone is black or practices Islam is bad form and insensitive.

I am of Arab decent. You can call me an Arab, I won't be offended.