Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Get Out of the Way

Since I am hyper-spiritual I would like to share some of my thoughts that have come about during quiet/prayer/devo/whatever-you-call-it time.

As of the past few weeks I have taken up having a regularly scheduled prayer and Scripture reading time: 8:00am-when I feel that I have exhausted all prayer opportunities (I feel compelled to say that that is a joke). I have slacked off in this area and felt the repercussions.

I debated where I would like to do this.

Location Specification Level 1: Somewhere I wouldn't have to drive out of the way (and take away subsequent time in doing so)
Location Specification Level 2: Church/Office or House?... Church/Office
Location Specification Level 3: Inside or Outside?... Definitely Outside
Location Specification Level 4: Dingy behind-the-church-alcove or front porch?... First it was the Dingy, decided it was too dingy and non-conducive to prayer. Moved to front porch, where if I take too long the sun rises over the warehouse and blinds/burns me, which has an element of God Presence.

After spending time talking and listening I had what was such a good thought that it could not have been my own. It is a thought that I believe God has given to many, just I finally shut up enough to hear him tell it to me.

What would the ministry that I lead look like if I got out of the way and let God lead?

What would be different if my agenda, opinions, pet peeves, and pride were left behind and I carried out ministry the way God wanted it to be done? What if, what if, what if Jesus was the Youth Pastor at Port Orange Christian Church? What would that look like? Would it be different than what it is now, I'm sure it would. And if it would be different, how so? That is the question.

I need to find the answer to that question.

If Jesus, as silly and possibly ridiculous as this sounds, was the youth pastor here at POCC would he be doing the same sermon series as I am; spend time on Facebook and writing blogs, going to lunch with people? Would he hold table and shelf building classes? Would he enjoy Apple products (that one I am sure is accurate). Would he plan lock-in's and go to CIY?

Not sure what he would and wouldn't do that I do. Not all of those things in that facetious list are bad, we need to spend time with others engaging in conversation, we need to plan events that connect with teens. But what would God do differently if I got out of the way and let him take this ministry over? If I did everything the way God intended church to be? Would we have all things in common, share with those in need, feed the hungry, protect orphans and widows?

Those sound good to me. Maybe we should do that more. Maybe I should do that more.

Anyway, that is what I am praying about. Definitely don't have it all figured out. When I do, I'll write a book and tell you all.
