Monday, July 13, 2009

Stinkin' Teenagers

As a teenager I was what I now call a "youth group rat". The kid that is there whenever the doors are open. If my youth minister said, "We are all going to show up at the church and stare at each other for an hour." I would be there.

I remember the times when things would get spiritually and socially serious (aka CIY). And for being a kid that took his faith seriously, I never recall opening up, truly being vulnerable and totally sincere. Probably too busy trying to look perfect to the rest of the group.

On this side of the story, leading these trips and facilitating these discussions, I am continually amazed. Amazed at the depth and vulnerability that the teens offer.

So often teenagers can be written off and dismissed because of the frequency of mistakes, poor decisions, and low-cut tops. Though these are issues that need to be handled delicately, teens are really neat and uplifting to be around.

As of late (CIY) I have had the opportunity to minister to and with some truly exceptional teens. Some of them have opened up their secret worlds in ways I would have never dreamed of. Stuff I did or thought back then and would be mortified for anyone to have known, they are spilling out like water pouring into a jar that is too full.

I love the teens I work with, I really do. Their participation in Scripture, receptiveness of wise counsel, and seeking of Truth is humbling and highly encouraging.

You know how there are those moments in life where you wonder, "What I am doing, is this really where I am supposed to be?" But there are also those moments where you think, "This is why I am alive." I have had a lot of those second moments lately. It is an indescribable feeling.

A wiser person than myself said something like: If you are ever wondering what God's will is for your life, it may not be obvious what exactly to do, so do something. We often go back and forth between two roads wondering which is God's will. I am not so sure that it is always that one is God's will and the other is not. Just that whichever road we take, we glorify God on that road. God is giving me opportunities to do just that.

Knowing you are in the will of God and the joy that comes from taking part in live ministry is about all a man can ask for.

A 1967 Honda CB350 would be nice too.